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So. Many. Patches!

When I said earlier that I had invested heavily in providing a large selection of patches to pair with our bandanas or other gear, I wasn’t kidding! These all are fully embroidered with hook fastener sewn on the back. Yes,… Read More »So. Many. Patches!

Salvage Bin

When you’re out there in the great expanse, scavenging for whatever can be used to survive, you’re sure to frequent known places where goodies can be found. We’ve added a new category to our Shop, the Salvage Bin. One of… Read More »Salvage Bin

Website Launch!

It was a big struggle with bad and buggy tools in the beginning, but with some friendly advice I am proud to announce that we’ve slugged our way through the bog and the Green Iron Road Wear website is finally… Read More »Website Launch!